Canadian Grown Pumpkins
The newest butter to join our Nuts to You family is Pumpkin Seed Butter made from pumpkins grown on a fifth-generation family farm in southwestern Ontario. The protein-rich seeds from these pumpkins are a hull-less variety from the Styria region of Austria. Since pumpkins are native to North America, these Styrian pumpkins grow very well in Ontario soil. Nuts to You started producing this unique butter in 2022, and we are proud to add it to our Sunflower Seed Butter as our second product made exclusively from seeds grown in Canada.
On this family farm, Styrian pumpkins have been successfully added to the crop rotation, and they have been very beneficial for soil health. The farm practises minimum tillage which helps the soil to rebuild its natural structure while reducing soil erosion. With the addition of pumpkin growing on the farm, the family has been able to enjoy the natural return of honey bees and squash bees to these fields.
With a brilliant green colour and rich robust flavour, this butter contains impressive amounts of vitamins, minerals, protein, essential fatty acids and fibre, and is a rich source of iron, zinc and magnesium, with 4 grams of protein in one tablespoon. We like to call our Pumpkin Seed Butter the nutritional powerhouse of our seed butter family.